I can honestly say that this work here in Trinco can be quite stressful and you can feel it building up at times. In fact many organizations including the UN (and the dozens of branches they have spawned e.g. UNICEF) all receive "Hazard" or "Hardship" compensation. This means that they get something like an extra week's vacation every few months and a flight to leave the country. They also receive additional pay for enduring their hardships... Hmmm... sounds pretty nice and yes, I am jealous but not resentful...ok, maybe a little. Anyway, my point is we all make a point to try to relax and have some fun and get your mind off the situation and the work from time to time. For example, last week when my friend Tom was visiting from Colombo, we decided to take a friday afternoon off and hit the beach. Its really amazing to be the only ones on the beach, save a few fisherman!

Kickin it in the pool, enjoying a sundowner on our makeshift beer caddy cum pool bar. We are literally the only ones at this hotel other than the Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission (SLMM) folks that have been living here for a couple of years now. This place used to be busier with expats but many have left and most of the others (me included) have stopped coming here so often due to the horrendous service. I sure miss the pool though...

One of the ubiquitous beach dogs spaced evenly down the beach. I want to come back as a beach dog... This has to be one of the greatest existences. Your only responsibility is to chase away the beach cows that threaten your turf (the second best existence?)!
Great pictures - I too want to be a beach dog.
Yeah, I couldn't sleep so I figured I should do something productive. It's been really hot here and the fan doesnt work that great under the mosquito net. Right after this post I was able to go to Colombo and promtly checked myself into a hotel with AC and a pool. Now that was a real treat!
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