Its been a while since my last post, but I am finally getting around to putting up some pics from my trip back to the states. I went back to San Francisco after being gone for 15 months and it was great to see everyone and spend time in my favorite city! Luckily my flights went smoothly, albeit insanely long, and I didn’t seem to suffer to badly from jetlag. I think I was so excited to be back that I was able to power through the drowsiness that comes with a 12.5 hr time difference.
I somehow managed not to take many photos during my stay there. I think I was too happy just to be with my friends and bumming around the city. But I did get a few pics and got some others from friends. Below are some pics from one of my favorite days. It was my first Saturday in SF and I had plans to meet my friend Hetal for brunch, which turned into a brunch for six at the Beach Chalet on Ocean Beach. There was good food, great conversation and yummy mimosas. It a beautiful sunny December day so we decided to walk along Ocean Beach for a while after. I can tell you how nice it was to be back with my friends and to have such a nice day on the beach.

“Have a Wonderful Day” – Ok, we are definitely in San Francisco. We stumbled upon this sand-script that someone had made. Jesse, Regina, me, Sean, and Claudia.
Thanks to all my friends that took time to hang out with me! I had such a great trip. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to see more of you but I definitely look forward to catching up when I am back this summer! Much luv!
Don't forget the shots of whiskey first thing in them morning BEFORE brunch!
You say first thing in the morning, but it was about midnight for me. Besides, I dont think you can call Irish Coffee shots of wisky. ;)If I remember correctly, someone wasn't "up for that".
Youre blog is pure S.L.Something i was searching of.
P.S.Know anywhere to buy a skateboard in Sri lanka?
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