Also, it sounds like Hetal and Doug (my kidney swapping friends) are also quite peachy. I am so relieved!
Ok, now no one else is allowed to have any major medical issues until after I come back, got it?
All this news comes on the tail of a great weekend. I really needed a break and decided to go to Colombo for the weekend. Although this is a common occurrence as I go to Colombo every few weeks for one reason or another. This trip was purely for selfish and therapeutic reasons. The whole weekend was jam-packed with social engagements (read: dinner, party, dinner, party…and maybe a bit of sleep). On Friday we went out to a club and danced until the wee hours. Then on Saturday, there was a great Halloween party at one of the UN peoples house. It was really fun and everyone dressed up. I had a great idea for a Halloween costume but was not able to pull it together in time. It was Steve Irwin, the Croc Hunter. I know, it is in extremely bad taste, but I could not resist. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending how you look at it) I could not find the props needed to make it work. So instead, I was just the naughty/sleazy devil guy who is always whispering bad ideas in your ear. The party was a blast and the music was really quite good for a change. J
So now Im back in Trinco, hard at work and trying to keep this project going. As most of you know I am coming back to the states for the holidays and cant wait to see you all. I will post more details about my plans in a later post.

Happy Halloween!

Ha! Thanks for mentioning the stashe authenticity. That rocks! Glad to hear all the good news. I miss going dancing with you!
Yep, the stashe was super sleazy. i decided to rock the sleaz look for a few days. Unfortunately, I think most of the humor was lost on the locals...
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