Ok, this might not be too interesting to all you, but I thought I would throw this up here anyway. As I keep saying, our housing project is getting under wa,y finally. We have built 20 foundations so far and my goal is to build all 100 foundations and 3 model homes by October 1st, the official start of the rainy season. To do this we need to hire 50 skilled masons and ~ 50 laborers. The trick is to find these guys and keep them on site. Everytime the conflict heats up, they want to leave for obvious reasons. So, my goal may not be achieved but you have to have goals, right?

Before computers, everything was drafted by hand. And in Trinco, everything is still drafted by hand... This a draft drawing for our house design. I designed the structure with input from several people here and gave a sketch to A. Swaminathan, one of our experienced engineers. He drew this up in about 3 hours. Pretty good I'd say. There are many mistakes on this draft but I think it hs a lot of character (the sketch, not the house design). This is the first house Ive ever designed. It was a challenging process to incorporate things that are important to villagers. We actually had to dull-down some aspects of the house because the people will reject too much change.

Here is a site photo of one of the foundations brought up to the DPC level (where the wall begins). Our design has 4 reinforced columns located on the corners. Tsunami proof??? more likely bomb resitant...
Hey Doug,
I think it's time you let us know which town or region you live in, in Trincomalee.
I'd like an excuse for my heart not to skip a beat every time I see Trinco in the news.
Here's a good map.
Thanks for the message. I live in Trinco Town, which oddly enough is not clearly shown on that map. But, you are right, it is a good map and thanks for pointing it out to me. me and my project manager just downloaded it for future use. We have seen so crazy things here in Trinco the past few weeks. I hope to post a few entries in the next few days. but fyi... I am out of trinco as of Sat. and am going to Bali for 2 weeks leaving on wed! :)
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