I visited one of our other projects today where we are rehabilitating a girls school in Kinniya, Trincomalee District. Kinniya is about 45 mins southeast of Trinco town and has an overwhelming majority of muslim inhabitants. I have had almost no input on this project as it was started and substantially completed by CESVI before I was working with them. This school will be state-of-the-art, especially by Sri Lanka standards. Even more so by the standards in the north and east of Sri Lanka.

This is the new building. It is strange to see a school that is a color other than tan, and with glass windows.

Two girls playing hop-scotch on the newly block-paved walkways. This older, existing building in the background. Note the color scheme, and grill work on the windows. This is typical construction for schools here.

Marco, our intern and resident chef-extraorinaire, brought a bag of italian sweets and was quickly the most popular man on the site. Also note the grass. This is absolutely unheard of here, especially for a school. I actually cant think of many other places that have grass, except for the lavish military bases maybe...

We were definetly the main attraction (or distraction???) today. And yes, the schools here do tend to look like prisons. However, you wouldn't think so if you looked around town in the early afternoon. School seems to let out at 1:30 most days and doesn't really start until 830 or 9am. After 2pm, traffic, even in modestly sized Trinco, can be a nightmare while trying to navigate the sea of uniformed school children.
Hi Doug, The school looks rather small are allgrades included in this school. Thanks for the education.
This building is only the new building and you can only see about 1/2 of it. There are 2-3 other existing buildings for classrooms and administration.
There are 370 girls which attend here and they span the ages of 5 to 16 years old.
They do tend to fit a lot of pupils in each room for sure!
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