Thursday, June 15, 2006
Speaking of Sri Lanka and Journalism....
You can read about the incident here. And there is a decent analysis of the "not war, not peace" situation here if you are interested.
Trouble in Paradise - April 2006

The day I returned to Trinco, the LTTE bombed army HQ in Colombo and then the army started aerial bombing and shelling the LTTE controlled area next to Trinco. Yes, it was an experience; sitting on my veranda watching rockets fire over the harbor and listing to 135mm artillery guns fire every few mins. Jets were even turning over my house (not bombing here) to return to their targets 10 miles south. After a night an exciting night of shelling, I decided to move into a hotel in town next to my boss’s because he figures it is safer for me there. The cool thing is that I keep meeting these journalists there that are finally coming to cover the things happening in Trinco. The reporting has been pretty bad in terms of being balanced and fair. Most of the information coming from the international news agencies seems to be reported from the gov. Until recently there have been very few reporters coming to the district. Most of the reporters are from Colombo. Anyway, this guy was staying at my hotel and I ask him if he is covering blast at the market (two weeks before this now). He said yeah. So I asked if he new about all these nasty things that happened (that everyone in Trinco knows about) but aren’t getting reported? he said “uh, no... but we cant just print rumors because people say it”. At this point I want to throttle his neck. I mean, isn’t this the job of reporters: to go and in-vest-i-gate potential reports of wrong doings; talk to the people etc? So, I told him that these are not rumors, these people exist, you just need to go talk to them. I hooked him up this a man that had a "real story", and it made it to press the next day (London Guardian)! JUSTICE. The first 5 paragraphs pertain to the atrocities that were not being reported previously.

Monday, June 12, 2006
Tamil Wedding

Sunday, June 11, 2006
Trip to Nuwar Elliya
In february, I headed south to meet my friend Tom in Nuwara Elliya and be a bit of a tourist in Sri Lanka for a few days. It was a nice break from Trinco as the climate is quite cool in the central highlands with an altitude of ~ 6,000 ft. In fact it is down right cold at night. To be honest I dont really know what this means, maybe 50 degs? All I know is that I was wearing shoes a lot and borrowing a jacket from Tom's friend, Brian, that was visiting from NY. He was well prepared with fleeces and shells (hmmm... must be cold in NY in Feb). We traveled around a fair amount but I would have to say one of the things I enjoyed most was the market in town. There were no tourist there, only locals, and the variety and quality of fruits and vegetables was much better than what I can often find in Trinco.

Thanks Picasa!

Beautiful sunrise on the way to Worlds End... (Photo by Tom Ramsson)

This is a signboard posted near the entrance to Worlds End, a beautiful park reserve with rolling grass lands that lead to a stunning vistas. It is surely one of the main points of interest in the central highlands. The Of course it sits next to a Singalese version of the same sign. You have to love translations.
We found this little guy while walking back from the market in Nuwara Elliya. He decided to jump onto my foot as we were trying to get a good photo of him. Handsome fellow, eh? (note: this is probably the second time wearing shoes in Sri Lanka, the central highlands can be quite cool.)
Monday, June 05, 2006

Its amazing what can be transported by bicycle. Ive often seen people carrying (dragging) 20ft sections of re-bar and even pvc pipe!
Maybe I will do an Oddity of the week or something... I have some pretty phone pics...we will see.
Still trying to figure out how to post multiple images...
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Welcome to my new blog
Hello All,
After a long hiatus from the cyber world, I have decided to return. My former website had not been updated since December (sorry!) due to a number of reasons, and now, the company that was hosting the site has closed its doors. So it is gone forever. Thanks again to Jesse for allowing me the opportunity to post a website on his account (for free). Thanks Jesse!
This is my first post and I am just figuring the site out, so bare with me. I hope to do shorter, but more frequent updates and post some pics. This new site should be easier to update, although it means I have to compose online. Keep in mind I have pretty shabby dial-up connection here.
Ok, in short I am doing well and am healthy (now). I have been here for 8 months! Can you believe it? Not sure what pics I will post today but just want to get started. I miss you all and hope you are happy and well and enjoying spring/summer! Ciao!