Monday, December 26, 2005

Tsunami Commemoration Con't

The Buddhist ceremony was held at a secluded beach that had fantastic landscapes with panoramic views. We could see it raining everywhere in the distance, seemingly on all sides and were sure that we were doomed to get soaked. But in the end we were lucky and didn’t feel as much as a drop.

The expats….

No, this photo wasn’t staged. I don’t think I even noticed the composition when I took it. My only point was to get a pic with these folks in it (pictures are better with people in it, right?) But when I saw it on my laptop, I really liked it. I think they were all watching Harsha get interviewed by the BBC.

Still suffering from the 100 Rupee ($1) haircut…

Harsha (Chairman, SLF) being interviewed by the BBC.

After a short ceremony by the monks and the chairman, all the monks and local slf members posed for this photo. If you haven’t heard, white is the new black. Of course Im kidding. White is the holy color, especially for Buddhists.
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Tsunami Commeration - December 2005

Christmas day we got up and drove to Arugum Bay on the east coast. The Journey took about 8 hrs although we only traveled ~ 200km (125 miles). Harsha had planned two commemoration events there, one Buddhist, and one Hindu. It definetly was a solemn day.

Sunrise from our beach bungalow on the morning of the 26th.

We then headed inland for the Hindu ceremony. This ceremony was filled with colorful ritualism and concluded with a shared meal prepared in a large pot over an open fire, right in front of the temple.

Harsha (Chairman) and Amanda, waiting for the Hindu ceremony to begin.

The Hindu ceremony was very interesting. Although sitting on the floor for 2+ hrs was tough for me.

They were cooking during the entire ceremony and it smelled pretty good. They made a concoction of rice, fruit, sugar, spices, sugar, more fruit..did I mention sugar?

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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas in the South of Sri Lanka- December 2005

I was invited to join the Chairman of Sewa Lanka and a few of the other American Volunteers to spend Christmas in Galle, then travel to the east to participate in two Tsunami Commemoration events on December 26th.

Christmas Dinner at the Lighthouse Hotel
We dined at a very nice hotel right on the beach, complete with crashing waves, fire-lit torches and a buffet that would not stop. It was so great to have good food and a variety of food to choose from. YUM!

Harsha, Amanda, Steve, and Thomas – Cheers!

Amanda and Steve, two american volunteers (note the creative use of the table center piece)

Some of the macabre sculptures within the hotel.

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